Our People.
The Red Deer Memorial Centre is operated by Central Alberta Theatre (CAT).
CAT is a non-profit society in Alberta governed by the Societies’ Act, member-approved bylaws, a set of written, Board-approved policies and procedures, and a member-elected Board of Directors.
PRESIDENT: Cynthia Edwards
VICE-PRESIDENT: Michael Sutherland
DIRECTORS: Lacey Oleson-Rinehart
Wanda Oler
Robyn Jeffrey
Haley Weninger
Susan Dearing
The Red Deer Memorial Centre is fortunate to have the services of fine and dedicated staff who are the backbone of our operations!
E: executivedirector@centralalbertatheatre.ca
P: 403-347-8111 Ext 1
E: darrel.centralalbertatheatre@gmail.com
P: 403-347-8111 Ext 4
E: catheatreoffice@gmail.com
P: 403-347-8111 Ext 2
E: frontofhousecat@gmail.com
P: 403-347-8111 Ext 3
E: jeremycentralalbertatheatre@gmail.com
P: 403-347-8111 Ext 5
Annual Report 2023-2024 (Message from Board President)