
The Memorial Centre was built in 1951 memory of those who lost their lives in World War I and World War II

The auditorium is the largest soft-seat performing arts facility in the City of Red Deer.

Originally part of the A-20 Training Camp during WWII, what we now know as the Memorial Centre was the camp’s drill hall. The drill hall was converted into an auditorium and gymnasium in 1951.

At that time the hall was given its current name and renovated to include a memorial wall in the lobby as a tribute to people from Red Deer and district who lost their lives in World Wars I and II.

Playing host to a wide variety of artists and events, both local and international, the Red Deer Memorial Centre plays an integral role in the arts scene in central Alberta.

In 1994

in a mutually beneficial lease agreement with the City of Red Deer,

Central Alberta Theatre (CAT)

took over the operation of the 704-seat Memorial Centre. CAT started as a community theatre company in 1970, making it now one of the oldest non-profit, volunteer-based community theatre companies in Canada.